EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 11
by Wuphon's Reach
Jarius was the experienced one (he's working on his 9th EQ character), Posydion only had a pair of level 10 or so characters and I'm still working on my first, but Jarius said that Posydion and I both 'group' very well. (Which is a good way to make a good name for my character and get myself invited into groups later in the game.)
I feel bad because I'm leaving Charcon in the dust (he used to be a level ahead), so I think I'll take it easy once I hit level 12 and do some traveling/farming (a.k.a. killing easy critters for certain types of loot and money). Maybe it's time to go back to Greater Faydark and show those orcs some payback for all the times they did me in.
Tonight I'm going to do some more soloing until I get my level 12 spells to try and earn some money to buy additional spells.
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