Monday was a sick day, so I got to play from early afternoon onward (after I felt a little better). Soon after I logged in and was hunting wisps for fun and profit in Qeynos Hills, I met up with Lucita (Wood Elf Rogue, lvl 13) who was selling +2 INT rings for 5pp (not a bad price and I had no rings yet). About 15 minutes later I hear her zone back in and shout about being almost mauled to death by a werewolf in W Karana. I was getting ready to zone myself, so I headed over her way to see if she needed anything. Sure enough, she was down to a few percentage points worth of health, so I did the summon bandages party trick and gave her 3 stacks worth. I tried to give them to her for free, but she traded me a 2nd +2 INT ring as a payment. We sat around and chatted for a while while she med'd up and talked about tradeskills (she's a master blacksmith and an aspiring tailor). So now I have yet another contact in Antonica and it's someone with a tradeskill to boot (hooray)! We added each other to our friends list and I'll have to look her up once I become a master brewer to trade services for those master blacksmithing skills.

Monday evening I spent working on my tailoring skill, killing cats and bears in W Karana to make patchwork boots and caps. Note to self, the aggro radius on a treant is huge, but he will only chase you if you're evil or if he sees you killing a bear. I thought I was safe because the treant had walked away, but it either turned around or wasn't as far away as I thought. As soon as I finished killing the bear, I heard it coming, ran perpendicular to it's path (since it seemed to be coming my way) and I swear it turned to follow me. Fortunately treants are slow so I was able to do one more lateral to confirm that it was indeed coming after me before I gated myself back to Qeynos. (Treants con red to me, but they are amiable so I don't want to get on their bad side.)
I also turned in Greater Lightstones in N Karana for enough experience to get me to level 17.
Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 17