EverQuest - The misadventures of Qpdaj
by Wuphon's Reach
So I'm getting locations from him, looking at the EQ map of Ocean of Tears and telling him to swim this way, that way, trying to figure out how he got where he was when he fell off (such an odd coordinate, not near the boat routes shown on the map). I thought we were doing okay when he hadn't gotten eaten by sharks after 30 minutes (and he seemed to be making progress), but then he ran into a pack of bandits on some boats and got killed. (Corpse recovery in the middle of an ocean is bad news if you don't have a location coordinate.) Fortunately, we had a location (he has a hot key setup that when he yells, it spits out a '/loc' command too) of his corpse so it would be fairly easy to find. I'm thinking, okay, this just went from bad (falling off of the boat) to worse (corpse recovery in a semi-dangerous zone in the middle of an ocean with no landmarks).
Fortunately, I had just reached N Karana where a Druid Ring is (a means by which druids can teleport their groups between Druid Rings) and arranged for a teleport to the West Commonlands (about 4 zones closer to Freeport than where I was) for 10pp. I made the trip, got a Spirit of the Wolf laid on me and ran through West Commandlands, East Commandlands, Freeport and just caught the boat leaving for Butcherblock with 10 seconds to spare (I didn't even have time to bind in Freeport, but I did bind in West Commonlands). In fact, if you ever want to be social, go hang around the druid ring in W Commandlands, there must have been 20-40 players sitting around auctioning, arranging transport.
The GMs were pretty quick and we found out that his corpse was in Timorous Deep (a different ocean) and looking at the map things suddenly made a lot more sense coordinate wise (he had stumbled across the ship graveyard with bandits in the western part of the ocean). The GMs agreed to move his corpse to a 'safe spot' but wouldn't tell us where that spot was. So now we have to figure out how to retrieve his corpse.
1) Get a high level claric to 'Revive' Qpdaj. This is the best option, could cost us nothing, but has to be done within 3 game hours (and we've used up two in the Ocean of Tears attempt). The disadvantage is that Qpdaj will still need to travel back from whereever his corpse is (you revive standing where your corpse is located, hopefully someplace safe). This isn't a big deal as I can travel to Timorous Deep and escort him back to Faydwer. The good thing is that he camped in Ocean of Tears which is full of high level players so it will be easiest to find a cleric there.
2) Use a level 4+ bard or a level 1+ necromancer has a living compass to help us triangulate and locate his corpse in Timorous Deep (which is a huge zone). Time consuming, possibly difficult if his corpse is in a dangerous area, but I should be able to find a bard to help me do this. I have my pet and other skills at my disposal which makes this achievable.
3) Buy a coffin and find an upper level necromancer or shadow knight to do a summon corpse. Unfortunately, this is expensive (100-200pp) because of the coffin (which if their spell fails, we'd have to go buy another) that gets used up by the spell. Advantage is that we can pick the place where he gets summoned to.
We'll see what happens, it's a great mini-quest and we're learning all sorts of new things about how EQ works. I'll likely advance scout into Timorous Deep early to try and narrow down where his corpse is (what part of the zone).
Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 17
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