Lots of topics that include the word 'guild' in the EverQuest TNZ discussion board (just some highlights):

Random guild invites. Why? - I've seen a lot of guilds trying to form in Greater Faydark in the past few weeks (you'll see silly stuff like /ooc Guild X forming, will pay 1pp to anyone who joins - nothing like bribing guild members and creating a guild of beggars).
Want in a guild?? - Random walk-ups asking to join the guild (we probably need a charter and a semblance of an application process guide).
What guilds do you admire the most on your server? - Perhaps someday our guild will make this listing...
"casual" players and guilds - someone looking for a 'casual' player's guild (ours is sort of a mix... we have nobody over level 40 that I've seen... Jarthak was level 40, but GNID'd).
Guilds are they really worth it? - unguilded player with questions about why it's worth being part of a guild
guilds - Why guilds stay together and why they fall apart (good topics for a charter/application process page).
guilds - How do I apply to guild X? Well, um, it varies...
GUILD ADVICE! - A very good discussion of how to choose a guild...
Guild Help - A player looking for a guild
Guild leaders(or officers) I need YOU! - Discussion of why not to start a guild if you've never been in one before (also pointers on why a more detailed charter is better than a less detailed charter).
A Question about Guilds - Keeping track of members, having a MIA list so we can confirm whether players are still in the guild.
guilds - more newbie questions about guilds