...and a happy cleric is more likely to keep you alive (LOL). Actually, only the very worst clerics will let you die out of revenge (it's just not good for a cleric's reputation ya know); but even the best clerics may become distant and withdrawn (and not as careful with your health) after a while if you don't show appreciation.

- Be a Master Looter (or at least offering to sell items for the cleric as well when you run to sell)... frankly, I hate to leave the group's location to go sell, because if all craziness breaks loose while I'm gone (badly timed pop, or a wandering tombstone mob) I'll feel really bad about it. On the other hand, if I don't go sell, I'll be enumbered, my agility drops to low levels and I get hit more often (and for more damage) when I gain aggro from healing someone. Which means I may not loot after a while, leading to a poor cleric, which despite a cleric's best intentions results in a not-so-happy cleric. Or I may decide that I need to go sell and decide not to come back. (Actually offering to sell for any of your casters is a nice touch as well. Especially if they're tired of running low on mana and need a good long mana break.)

- Supply the gems needed to buff you! Right now I have a symbol spell (Symbol of Transal) which adds 30-75 hp (it was 30hp when I got the spell, now it adds 60 or 70 a few levels later) but uses a Cat's Eye Agate which costs around 5pp per stack. This spell lasts about 30 minutes (actually a little longer, but with deaths and dispelling by mobs, 30 minutes is a good round number), and if I buff a full group it's 12 gems per hour (or about 3pp). Over the course of a long camp (3-4 hrs, I can easily burn through 2-3 stacks of these gems). So unless you're willing to spot me 3 plat per hour as a stipend, I'm losing a good bit of my portion of the loot. And it gets worse at my next symbol level spell (Symbol of Ryltan) which uses a 5gp bloodstone (10 plat per stack) so my costs will increase to 6 plat per hour at level 24. At level 34 I get Symbol of Pizarn uses Jasper (8 gp each), but since the spell lasts longer, costs only go up to 8 plat per hour. Then there's the level 44 spell, Symbol of Naltron which eats a Peridot (11 plat gem) and lasts for 9/10ths of an hour, resulting in a cost of 73 plat per hour (heck, let's say 75) if I want to keep the entire group buffed. Of course, unless it's a raid, level 44+ clerics hardly ever use the Symbol of Naltron (500hp) on anyone other than the main tank (preferring to rely on the Symbol of Pizarn, a 300hp buff, for most group situations).

So between the costs of spells, the costs of armor, and the costs of gems... it's a wonder that clerics are ever able to make a profit some days. Well, at least I don't have to buy bladed weapons (since clerics can only use blunt). The good news is that the better groups take care of their clerics (because a well played cleric means the difference between life and death for a group in a tight spot, just like most groups would die from a 4+ mob pull without an enchanter).