(just a copy of a long rant I wrote on various message boards late last night)

I just spent the weekend in High Keep's Guard Room and watched a level 22 cleric gain aggro on every other multi-mob pull (we had no enchanter, and even though I was level 25/26 they wanted the primary healer role). So after watching them over-aggro so much I figured I'd come here, vent a little, and get some advice to see if I'm on track. I just envision that cleric getting killed every multi-pull when they start using Greater Healing. Now that I'm moving down into the WR of HK, I really need to avoid aggro if at all possible (and maybe other young clerics could use the pointers from y'all).
At level 19 we don't have much to work with (although Luclin added a nice heal over time). And I realize our buffs (symbol, Daring/Bravery take a level or 3 to hit their maximum potential).

14) Healing (60m 100h 1.67 ratio)
14) Symbol of Transal (55m 73h 1.33 ratio)
19) Celestial Remedy (190m 260h 1.37 ratio)
19) Daring (60m 115h 1.92 ratio)

At level 24, we get 2 upgrades and a new heal.

24) Symbol of Ryltan (111m 158h 1.42 ratio)
24) Bravery (70m 140h 2.00 ratio)
24) Greater Healing (150m 300h 2.00 ratio)

My tactics (and things I've seen, especially when fighting without an enchanter):

1) Don't start healing tanks at 90% health if it's a multi-mob pull. One of those mobs is going to come over and personally thank you for your efforts (causing chaos while you spam your "ON ME" key and everyone has to stop and come over and taunt it off of ya). Granted, with only a 100hp heal at your disposal, it will be tough to stay ahead of the mob's damage output if you let the tank get too low, but if you're getting beat on, you'll be doing zero healing (or meditating).

2) Get someone to buy that Luclin Celestial Remedy for ya (if you can't get to Shadow Haven yourself). On a 3-4 mob pull, even without an enchanter, it's almost always possible to drop this on both tanks that are taking damage (I wait until 50-70% health) without gaining aggro. On a good day, it stops the bleeding (keeping the tank at or above the health level when it landed), on a bad day, it just bought me some time before I have to throw a large aggro heal. I started using this around level 21 regularly (it's sooo mana intensive), and now at 26 I'll use it up to 3x in a fight. Best used if you can meditate for the 24 seconds (and gain some mana back).

3) Since I'm talking about aggro avoidance, you shouldn't need to worry about AC/Defense/Dodge, but it happens and you should always have Defense/Dodge maxed out every few levels. Sometimes it's better to trade WIS items for AC items. The longer you can stand there and take a beating gives the tanks a better chance to taunt the mob off of you.

4) Use your Daring/Bravery buffs as spot heals. If there's a druid in the group, don't let them lay Skin like Steel on the group (it negates your ability to use Daring/Bravery as a low-aggro heal). Because you're updating a buff, you'll gain a lot less aggro, plus it's mana efficient and keeps a buff up (one less buff you'll have to time). Wish I had learned this trick before level 26. Symbols are too expensive to use this way (unless you're a very rich cleric).

5) Save some mana for the end of the fight. This goes along with point #1 about not healing early. Once you throw a heal, that's it, that mana's gone, nothing you can do if tank 2 (or a caster) suddenly starts dropping like a rock. My goal is to end the fight with 20-40% mana and all my group at or above 40% health. (Tanks fight just as well at 40% health as at 100% health.) In fact, towards the end of a long fight, I'll actually start using smaller heals and buff updates so that I can "touch up" the maximum number of people if things are still touch and go. And as long as I have mana, we can handle that spawn that likes to pop on top of us right after we finish a close fight.

6) Save Greater Healing for single-mob encounters, or for when low-aggro tactics just aren't going to cut it. Hopefully by the time I have to drop a GHeal, the tanks have generated enough aggro on all the mobs. But GHeal is something I now reserve for when the tank hits 40% health (and Celestial Remedy and Bravery can't stop the bleeding, or I need to drop enough health on the tank to keep them alive long enough to drop a heal on another player). Anytime there are multiple mobs, odds are high that I will gain aggro from the GHeal.

7) Don't fight back if you gain aggro (and don't run around like a dress wearing caster, you're allowed to wear plate armor for a reason). It'll prevent the enchanter from being able to mez the mob (in fact if there's an enchanter, tanks should probably stay on the primary target while the cleric/enchanter use stun/root/mez). Stun it, root it, and scoot out of range if you have to. Besides, if you get too low of health, you can always Divine Aura to buy the tanks 18 seconds.

Now, what other tactics are there? (Or is there something wrong with these tactics? Flame me! Teach me! I'm only a level 26 cleric and still learning my craft!)