Last night, while working on my swimming skill in Felwithe's swimming pool (a.k.a. the lake on the backside of town), I got a tell from a level 14 cleric. Now, usually at this point, I cringe, because I'm expecting to read that little purple text and see a request for money or items. This time I was pleasantly surprised, because they wanted to know how many level 14 cleric spells there were, and how many of the 14 I used (a young cleric trying to prioritize his purchases).

Well, the questions soon turned fairly far reaching, discussing healing aggro, armor class, whether clerics can solo, where to level up, do we get any DoTs, what is a symbol buff, etc. The comment was made at one point, "wow, I didn't realize this class was so complex" (and I got to extoll the rush of handling a 4 giant pull from the Frontier Mountain fort with no deaths).

It was a fun conversation, hopefully it helps add another well played cleric to our server.