Figured it was a good time to go back and look at the various layouts I've tried for all of my on-screen windows and buttons, because over time, it's evolved to meet different needs of my playing style.

An early screenshot of Vorish's windows back in December 2001.
This is probably one of the earliest screenshots (Dec 2001) and it shows what I think is the default window layout for the 1024x768 resolution settings (although I may have moved things around a little bit). I don't have a whole lot to say about this except that important information is scattered to the four corners of the screen.

Next up is a screenshot of me playing Corish in my early teens. Again, still playing using the 1024x768 resolution setting, but you'll notice that I've moved the windows that were in the upper right corner down to the lower right side. During this time I think I was trying to keep the upper half of the screen clear of windows so that I would be able to see stuff better.

I finally got smarter in my late 20s, early 30s playing Corish, realizing that I needed to collect all the really important windows into one place (in this case the lower left corner). You'll also notice that I moved up to a 1280x1024 display resolution so that I had more room for my windows on the screen. I like this window layout because I can watch the chat as well as watching the health bars without tracking my eye over the entire screen.

This is the latest set of windows that I run with, and you'll notice the new "hitsmode" windows are also shown here. I've broken the "others hits" (such as mobs hitting others, or other players hitting mobs) out to the upper right corner (this is because that is secondary information and not critical information). Directly above my chat window is where my hits (me hitting the mob) and the mob hitting me " (me getting hit is in red and also shows the mob's name).