Just digging through my archives... some of the zones in EQ are very nicely done.
A pretty cool shot of the East Freeport docks back before Shadows of Luclin came out. (SoL redid the graphics, and even made changes to textures in the old world zones.) Shows how well done some of the old world zones were (Freeport zones are part of the original EQ). I used to spend a lot of time pre-SoL waiting on the boat between Antonica and Faydwer unless I wanted to beg or buy a port from a druid or wizard.
Ah, life in the Oasis of Marr. It seemed so much bigger and scarier when I was just a wee mage around level 10 or 12 (Charcon got me killed here on our first visit). One of the ever present dangers is the multiple spectres that live on an island in the middle of the lake. Well, upper-level people like to hunt them for experience, but often fail, resulting in them running loose through the rest of the zone. Needless to say, everytime I heard "SPECS TO DOCK" I headed for my safe little sitting spot out in the water with the caimans and crocidiles.
Now this is a really old screen shot of the windmills in Steamfont Mountains, back when I first started playing EQ. Steamfont is one of the great little zones to solo in during your early teens, and is even better if you bring along some friends. Soon I will have to go back there and see what changes they have made to the zone recently (the gnomes now have some new classes they can play along with new quests).
City of Mist in Kunark is a small dungeon with two distince levels. The regular dungeon/castle down below, and some really high platforms and walkways above (so high that you'll take 10k in falling damage if you fall off). Did I ever tell you how long it took me to get used to Kelethin? Well, this is about 10x worse, and one of the nastier mobs up there likes to cast Gravity Flux (all but one of us were lucky enough to land back on the platform).
This was my first dragon raid, deep down in the depths of Old Sebilis (a zone you need a key to get into). This bad boy is named Trakanon, and casts a poison based area-of-effect (AoE) spell that does 1500 points of damage each wave, plus leaves you with a nasty poison DoT that does some additional damage each tick. I had poor poison resist scores and died pretty fast (I think he killed me on the 3rd AoE).
Well, I have more to post later.