I was wrapping up a night of exp hunting in Karnor's Castle on Wednesday night this week (trying very hard to get to level 52), when I got word via friends that Gathering of Banners (GoB) was going to try to take out Lord Nagafen again. (Apparently they had wiped on the previous night.) This was around 10pm mind you, and I figured since they had done it the previous night we could get in and out in 3 hours (yeah right!), so I agreed to go.
As a result of all the last-minute additions and recruits (initially I was one of two clerics, and neither of us had done a dragon before), it was probably midnight or later before the GoB raid force got it's act together enough to even enter into SolB. Along the way to the first staging point (where we would fight the fire giants to get to Naggy's lair), people got lost, people went link dead, or just didn't listen to directions. But we managed to fight our way past the FGs (including one of the named FGs) and get down to the buff spot to start buffing around 2am (ick).
It took us about 45 minutes to buff, camp out to a server chatroom, then log back in and re-group for the kill (some of the buffs only last 20-30 minutes, so once you log back in you're working with a time-constraint.) The Naggy fight itself was over in 10 minutes... The MA ran out into the lair to pull Nagafen, I dropped my first Complete Heal on the MA, got summoned and meleed to death. By the time I logged back in and made it back over to the fight spot, I had enough time to drop a single heal before Naggy died. I logged once people were rezzed and didn't even stick around for the loot rolls (it was just way too late at that point).
Oh well, maybe next time I'll remember to pop DA after that first CHeal (MA was dropping like a rock during the pull, it was CHeal him or watch him die). Thinking again about how all that went down, I should've tried to chain-cast Remedy for a few more seconds before droping the Complete Heal. But due to lag (he was running back towards me) it looked like he went from 100% to 40% in the blink of an eye, instinct took over and I started casting CHeal.
In retrospect, if he had actually be dropping that fast, there's no way a CHeal started at 40 or 50% should've saved him. Meaning I probably had time to chain-cast remedy and let him build up some more aggro. Idealy I'd have dropped CelHeal on him and let it tick once or twice before CHealing, but with the bard songs and the huge pile of resists I really wasn't sure there would be room for it in the buffs window (CelHeal takes up a buff slot, and we were all pretty well maxed out on our buffs). Thankfully, it looks like the other 2 clerics were able to cover for my mistake and keep the MA standing after I went down.