EQ - People who complain that losing exp when you die is too harsh

Death is part of the game, avoiding death is part of the challenge of the game (regardless how much it sucks to die to the uber LD monster). Sometimes you can avoid death through better tactics, skill, equipment -- other times, you're gonna get on the bad side of the random number generator.
No risk = no reward (or sense of accomplishment)

No risk = no dependency on others or needing to team up to reduce risk

No risk turns EQ into a boring, lonely, may-as-well-be-a-single-player game.

If you're so stuck on making EQ a race to 60, then you're going to have problems with any sort of death penalty and perhaps those other games are a better fit for you. Forget about leveling to 60, you'll get there when you get there, learn to enjoy the trip. If you can't manage that, then you'd better have someone PL you to 60 and get it over with.