But I'm pretty darn sure, you can manage to tick someone off at least some of the time.

There are definitely some night when I wish I wasn't a guild officer; where I could just login, put LFG on, get some phat lewt and experience, and log back off. Instead, you end up drawn into "so-and-so called me a funny name" or "why didn't you wait 90 minutes until I logged in so we could make an all guild group". Okay, so maybe I'm rebelling against responsibility -- but then, hmm, why do I owe these people anything? Running this guild sometimes is like herding cats, or pushing on a rope, or trying to deal with people who expect more then this guild can reasonably provide.

Hmm, yes I'm burned out a bit. No I don't play as much as I used to, or for as long. OTOH, when I do play, it's usually a good play session because I refuse to sit AFK for 3 hours hoping enough guildies logon to make a guild group. (Instead, I logon, check the guild roster, alliance guild roster, then start looking for people to form a group.)