Dug back out my copy of Duke Nukem 3D a week or two ago. A few years ago, 3DRealms released the source code (I think for the engine), and a small community has sprung up to port the old DOS/Win95 code so that it works on newer systems. So, if you still have your old CD around, you can download the new engine and play it again!

Such great fun, DN3D had a lot more "soul" then the other FPS games like Quake/Quake2 or Doom/Doom2 even with the lower quality graphics, because he's one sarcastic space marine with a ton of one liners. Granted, the content of the game is "mature" (one level is the "red light district" and Duke swears like a sailor), but it's fun to go back and play something from 1996.

When I attempted to install the game from the CD, only a few files went into C:\DUKE3D. When this happens, go into your DN3DINST folder on the CD, and copy the contents of \DN3DINST\* to C:\DUKE3D\*. You should end up with the DUKE3D.GRP file in the location C:\DUKE3D\DUKE3D.GRP.

Then, grab a copy of JonoF's Duke Nukem 3D port. Specifically, the file jfduke3d_20040629_r2.zip. Extract the contents to a temp folder, and then copy the files to your DUKE3D folder. The new DUKE3D.EXE file should overwrite the old DUKE3D.EXE file and you'll also end up with a new sub-folder called "MODELS".

Then run the C:\DUKE3D\SETUP.EXE file in order to setup your basic configuration. Or you can use the in-game options menu. I was able to re-configure mine so that it plays a lot like my Call of Duty key-layout (minus the ability to lean or go prone).

There's also a hi-res texture pack in the forums, but I haven't tested that out yet. I'd also like to find the 4th episode (came with a later version of the game). But I still have 1.5 episodes left to play (halfway through the 2nd episode).