CoDUO: Beta Bunkers (Concept Maps)
by Wuphon's Reach
Goals for this map:
- Something about the size of Barbarossa, but smaller then Smolensk (two maps put out by the After-Hourz crew). Barbarossa is a popular map size, large enough that you can have multiple battles going at the same time. Smolensk, OTOH, is proving to be somewhat oversized and too large.
- A winter map. There's something about playing on winter maps that is a lot of fun.
- BAS play that is about equivalent to the difficult of BAS play on Barbarossa.
- Varied terrain, but with a good "flow" from base to base and point to point.
- Possibly a central town area.
- Needs a river that is sizeable, not a small rivulet. I want something "wadeable" by infantry, something that looks impressive when tanks splash through it at a ford crossing.
- A wooded road. Picture tanks crashing through trees, jeeps dashing up a road that twists and turns between snow covered trees. Lots of foliage for troops to hide in. But trees need to be spread far enough apart that navigation with vehicles is still somewhat easy.
So here are the two concept maps that I drew up over the course of a week. (There were other sketches that didn't make the cut.)

Note that I really don't have a name for this map yet. The "BetaBunkers" name is just a place holder. Originally, the map was created so that I could test out some bunker designs. Then I started sketching out more complex layouts and started in on the real mapping.
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