CoDUO: Bunker Map Tests 2
by Wuphon's Reach
This is the north bridge with a Panzer IV driving across it. You can see that the bridge is just wide enough for the tank. The side walls are too high, although they provide a very nice "turret down" hiding spot for guarding the river approach. (I later lowered these side walls a bit.)
In the background of the first shot, you can see my placeholder "bunkers" which are probably where the bases will end up during a Base Assault game. The german spawn is in the upper left side of the picture (a set of bunkers).

Overhead view of the north bridge area. The two tanks should give you an idea of scale. All of the large flat sections will eventually be replaced by terrain mesh.

North bridge with Panzer IV passing underneath. Verification that I could drive a map underneath the bridge. This allows for some flexibility in play, where tanks can roll up the riverbed to avoid bottlenecks on the main roads.

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