CoDUO: Bunker Map Tests 6
by Wuphon's Reach
The first batch of images are from the northern glacier pass. These five images show the views from infantry and tanks as they move through the pass (and make use of the infantry-only trail). In the very last image, you're looking dead-on at one of the exits from the trail. It's not easy to see, eh? In the last 3 shots, the tank never moves, if you want a better idea of what's going on.

Now for examples of lighting issues (and other problems) with my old method of doing the treelines. This first image illustrates the "gap" issue when I was only using a pair of layers. The foreground (short, snow-covered trees) looks fine as most of the trees are the same height. But the background (tall, snow-covered) trees has large and deep gaps in the graphic. As a result, it looks out of place. The other issue is that the background layer was not shading properly (compare the left vs the right).

Here's another example of lighting issues with the original "tall tree" texture that I was using. It makes it look like the trees are backlit instead of properly shadowing them.

Here's the new, fixed, 3 or 4 layer version. Notice that the treeline on the left is properly shadowed. You can see the 3-layer effect on the right side above the bunker.

Overview shot of the north end of the river. You can see the middle fields on the left, the north bridge in the middle, and the glacier pass on the right.

Close up of the north bridge. This shows what the first layer of treeline looks like as it's being laid down. The inner two layers have not been added and they will make those treelines twice as tall and throw most of the road into shadow.

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