Upcoming changes in v068

- Added a few dozen rocks in areas that didn't have rocks before. Cross your fingers and sacrifice a chicken and hope that these rocks don't cause the dreaded "winding vertices" error.

- Turning off CNQ debug. Capture times will now be 30 seconds instead of 8 seconds. I may even bump those capture times to 60 seconds (they go a lot faster if there are multiple players doing the capture). With the 8 second capture time on a 2v2 match, the defenders could not get in front of the advance in time. By the time they'd figure out where Silver and I were, we'd be 3 zones away capturing positions on the other side of the map. There were some very good battles even with 2v2. The big issue was not enough places to hide for infantry on the german side of the map.

- Spawn distance from vehicles or the next objective is an issue in CNQ. There's a trade-off between spawning the player closer to the next CNQ objective versus spawning them back closer to where the tanks are.

- Added a rock wall around the North V2 launch site area. Added in the trucks and barrels. Moved the hedgehogs around and moved the dragon's teeth around. Other than possible issues with trees being in the wrong spot, this area is basically done.

- One lag complaint is when entering the farm area for the first time. Due to the use of models in this area that aren't found elsewhere on the map, players will experience a brief lag while they load models and textures. I'm not sure how to fix this.

- The test server was a big laggy at times tonight. Not sure why and I didn't investigate.