The map is to the point that I'm comfortable letting everyone play on it. Just be warned, the map is NOT final. There ARE glitches and bugs and things that aren't quite right. The server can and will go down without notice whenever I'm ready to put new changes upon the server.

Please check this thread frequently if you start playing on the test server as I will make periodic announcements of current bugs and upcoming changes here.

Please do not host this map elsewhere. I make changes to it on a daily basis and you will see new versions up on the server on most days. Please wait until the public beta before hosting this map on servers other then my testing server. ETA for the public beta is 2-3 weeks, depending on how this phase of alpha testing goes.

Server IP Address:

- This IP should be live in another 2-3 hours, I'm currently configuring the new server.
- There is no password. Everyone is welcome to come and play.
- I will post a private slot password for the MOB/Regs folks to use.
- I'm taking a hands-off approach to policing the server, but if there is disruptive gameplay, I reserve the right to wield a very large ban stick. I would prefer to spend my time working on the map rather then babysitting players.
- If you find a glitch, tell us in this thread or e-mail the demo file to me.

Current version on the server is v081 (v082 will go up on the server late Thursday or sometime Friday). You will want to periodically remove old versions of the PK3s as we update to new filenames on the server.

Currently implemented gametypes are: BAS / CNQ / BEL and HQ. The server is configured to run BAS on alternate games (so BAS -> CNQ -> BAS -> BEL -> BAS -> whatever -> BAS). I'm still working on DOM and CTF support.