Far Cry: Carrier
by Wuphon's Reach
The Carrier level is a rough follow-on to the first level. Instead of having a jungle's worth of room to maneuver, you're stuck in narrow hallways or exposed on a ship deck. But even on the second most difficulty setting, it's doable. The Carrier level is also different from the previous one in that it is much more linear then other levels with lots of spots that can't be bypassed. It's also extremely easy to get disoriented while in the lower decks.
You'll start this level with your Jungle Falcon (with around 150 rounds of ammo), your M4 Carbine (hopefully with a full 300 rounds of spare ammo), your machete and possibly a P90 SMG. Personally, I think you should forget about the P90 SMG and simply collect ammo for it (which you can use later with the MP5 SMG). The M4 Carbine packs a similar punch to the P90 SMG, but without using up ammo as quickly as the P90 SMG. The P90 SMG also lacks a single-shot or 3-round mode, so it's rather difficult to conserve ammo.
The level opens with a cutscene where we see Jack lamenting to Doyle the fact that he's been trapped inside the hull. From here, we have to dive into a flooded corridor to enter the rest of the carrier corridors. As you swim through this corridor, you'll find a machete laying on the bottom just before you climb a ladder.

When you pop up at the top of the ladder, you should immediately crouch and get out either your Jungle Falcon or your MP4 Carbine (in automatic fire mode). There will already be a mercenary who has heard you climb out of the water who will traverse the doorway in front of you from left to right. Put him down with 2-3 rounds to the head and prepare for the other 2 enemies to your left (one worker in yellow, one merc). You can either wait for them to come into view, or slide out into the corridor as you look for them on the left side.
As soon as you kill those 3, there is a 4th mercenary in the corridor to the right of the ladder chamber. If you can't see him, he's probably ducked back out of sight into the left side of the corridor or ducked back through the door on the right (which is what looks like a power generator room).

Head back to the water chamber with the ladder, as you exited the ladder chamber you were facing a japanese sign (white kanji on a red background). Go to the left (East) and into the door on the left that enters into a medium sized room. In the center will be a large fuel tank with large diameter pipes and a red handled control wheel.

If you exit this room to the West, you'll cross a corridor that has the watery ladder and enter the power generator room. Which wraps back around to the first corridor where you killed the 2 mercs and the worker. The power generator room has a stairway in the SE corner that leads up to a catwalk over the door on the South wall. You'll find a a few flash-bang grenades, a flashlight and a health kit on the table in the NW corner.

Head up the stairs to the upper catwalk and exit through the South door. You'll enter another small room with a spiral style stairs that lead upwards. If you want, you can climb to the top of the stairs and look through the broken doorway to kill a merc in the corridor beyond the broken door.

After that, you should go back down to the bottom of the stairs and look for a floor-level vent on the West wall. Go prone ([V] key) to enter the vent and start crawling forward.

The vent bends left to the South and puts you on a catwalk above a pair of mercenaries. Use the [Ctrl] key to crouch and pick off the two mercaneries from above. You should manage a headshot on the first merc and be able to pick off the second merc with ease.

Go ahead and jump down into the area with the two tanks and what looks like another power generator. Both mercs will drop P90 SMGs and there is a health pack in the SW corner on some green crates.

Head up to the catwalk on the East wall and open the door into the next corridor. Turn left (North) and creep into the small room while crouched. You'll find a pair of mercs sitting on a pair of stools and listening to the raid. You should manage to get the drop on at least one, if not both of them. Or you could toss a frag grenade in (bounce it off the wall into their corner) and chase them into your sights. But that makes a lot of noise (the flash grenade may be a better choice).
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