OOO: More notes from the spoiler threads
by Wuphon's Reach
I'm probably going to re-roll again, not entirely happy with my major/minor skill picks:
Race: Wood Elf (Bosmer)
Birthsign: The Thief
Spec: Stealth
Favored Attributes: Strength, Endurance
Major Skills:
25 Blade (Strength)
25 Armorer (Endurance)
35 Light Armor (Speed) -> 25 Athletics (Speed)
30 Security (Agility)
40 Marksman (Agility) -> 25 Illusion (Personality)
25 Conjuration (Intelligence)
25 Restoration (Willpower)
I'll only have a starting Luck of 60, which means it will be level 40 until I hit 100 in Luck. I only have 495 points available for leveling (which means I'll top at level 50.
So I'm going to swap out Athletics (starts at 25) for Light Armor, and put Illusion (starts at 25) in the place of Marksman. Which gives 520 points for leveling (max level of 53). But that assumes that all of my skills won't yet be at 100 (which also prevents leveling).
That build has a starting strength/endurance of 35. Which is enough to carry a decent bit of equipment (175 lbs) and starts with a modest bit of health (52 HP).
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