Got a big piece of good news this afternoon. When the vets operated on Lucille, they found it that the lump was nothing more then a bit of fat protruding through a hernia in the abdominal wall. Apparently, whoever did the spaying operation last October, did not close it up correctly.

So, no cancern, no lumps, just an easily fixable issue that required a few stitches. It was important that it be fixed, because it could have gotten worse.

Of course, all this means a kitty with a shaved belly and the joy of wearing an elizabethan collar for most of the week. She's still getting used to that collar, but we're getting there. I fed her a bit of dinner earlier (sweetened with a bit of dried fish flakes) and she's spent about two hours in my lap so far, sleeping.

I'll have to give her a bit of a scrubdown with a washcloth and towel twice a day, because she can't bathe herself at the moment. She was well-behaved at the vet, letting them carry her around. She was completely wide-eyed, but mostly calm. Suffering through it all without complaint.

They even managed to trim all of her claws before they took her in for her operation (and she put up with it). So I guess I'll have to try my luck. I've been massaging her front paws for a few months now, and she's been letting me hold them longer and longer, but I didn't press the issue long enough to trim them.

Fortunately, I spent most of the day in the office, so I should be good to work from home the rest of the week.