Fallout series (Fallout 3)
by Wuphon's Reach

Been kind of burned out on WoW raiding, daily quests and dungeon grinding, so I've been mucking around with other games. One, that caught my eye is the Fallout series. Now, the original game is ancient (well, late 90s), and is a isometric projection 3D scroller. Head to Youtube and search for things like speed runs and the like to see (it doesn't run well in WinXP). Very dated technology and graphics that don't draw me in (and I'm not going to try and get it to run under WinXP).
However, the 3rd game in the series is a 3D, first-person, RPG (roleplay game). Made by Bethesda Softworks, the same folks who brought us Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. So for me, at least, it's a lot more engaging then the old-style graphics.
However, if you get a chance, go dig up the promo materials for Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Especially any special intros, credits, or other scenes that involve 1950's style animation and commercials. Such as the following:
Fallout Intro Movie
Fallout - The Game That Wiped Out The Earth
Fallout 1. Military Base Destruction
Let's Play Fallout 1 01: The Outside World
Fallout 2 Intro Movie
Fallout 2 gameplay
Fallout 2 Gameplay 3
One very amusing review of Fallout 3 is done by The Escapist: Zero Punctuation: Fallout 3.

Keep in mind that the Fallout series is a lot more adult / mature / rough then ES4:Oblivion ever was. The language is a lot stronger, there's a lot more blood spray, and the unique camera work when using the VATS combat system means that you'll get close up shots of rather gory endings to fire fights. It as an ESRB rating of M (Mature) in the United States.
And for the video fans, I dug up the introduction clip that gets played when you start up a new game. The song is called "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" by "The Ink Spots" (released in 1941).
Note: The above clip is a full frame 720p, so it works well if you expand it to fill the screen.
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