Test video for a mod that I am working on (Random Extra Traps) which adds numerous extra traps to the wastelands in Fallout 3. However, each trap is independently evaluated when you enter the cell and there's only a 30% chance that a particular trap will appear.

Ultimately the mod's goal is to make the wastelands a much more dangerous place. One where you may never learn all of the trap locations, because they only show up 30% of the time. This should increase replay value as each game becomes slightly different. It's a similar concept to the Random Bobblehead or Randomized Skillbook mods.

This particular series of tests was to check that tripwires hooked to grenade clusters worked properly. That is why sometimes there is a tripwire inside, and other times there is not a tripwire in a particular location.

The next series of tests was to check the placement of frag mines. There is a hidden activator associated with each mine that controls whether the mine stays or vanishes. So sometimes I saw 3 mines, sometimes I saw 1 or 2, and sometimes I saw none.

Test footage from the rear exit out of GNR. You can see a visual problem with the tripwire that shows up at 02:12 in the video. The wire for the grenade cluster sticks up through the concrete (look at the lower-left corner near the compass). It will look like an antennae and can look out of place. It's not as noticeable on the pedestrian bridge, but it exists there too.

One of the things that I also did in this mod was to fix issues with trap ownership. The poor raider NPCs in Dupont Circle tended to get blown up by the numerous mines laid down by the developers. So I changed/fixed the ownership on the mines, which keeps the raiders from setting them off. This is evidenced by the "red" text when you go to disarm the mine (but you lose no karma) and the fact that there are still mines existing after the raiders have all been taken care of.