Baldur's Gate: EasyTutu UI Examples
by Wuphon's Reach

Here is what things look like after you setup EasyTutu for 800x600:

EasyTutu at 1024x768:

EasyTutu at 1280x960:

Personally, I find that the 1280x960 is a bit too small, it sizes up the 640x480 by exactly 2x pixels so while it does retain the aspect of the original 640x480, it also turns out to be a bit blocky. The 800x600 UI is pretty close to the original, without showing dramatically more area. Either way, the EasyTutu UI is worlds above the default grey-on-grey of the original Baldur's Gate UI.
If you don't want to see wide areas of terrain, 800x600 is probably best. If you care a bit more about seeing lots of area, try 1024x768.
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