An old vidcap from Call of Duty: United Offensive showing the Base Assault (BAS) gameplay. Shows a lot of the bits and pieces of CoD:UO, such as capturing tanks, destroying bunkers, some of the town interior. You'll also see a lot of newbie mistakes as I really wasn't sure what was going on. Recorded on the AFTER-HOURZ server back in 2004.

(Originally recorded on S-VHS, which is why it's a bit fuzzy. This was before I switched over to using FRAPS. Also, the mp_foy map had a high level of fog as part of the map design.)

Also, a clip from Tuchola Forest, a map that I worked on for a few months back in 2006. Unfortunately, I got busy in May of that year and was never able to finish it completely. It was playable, but there were some border areas that needed work and some final tuning that was needed.