The caravan left on the 16th Sandstone, about a month after they arrived (15th Limestone).  The broker estimates that the caravan left with about a 30-35% profit on the trade.  He hopes to do better with the next caravan.  More migrants have arrived, bringing us to 20 beards strong.

Compare that with the previous stock screen from early Autumn.

The courtyard wall is beginning to take shape and surface security is starting to be a bit more sure.  While this does not protect against fliers, or climbers yet, it is a good start.

The wall should be finished in another month, at which point we can start other construction projects such as bedrooms, the skylit shaft, and other necessary buildings / rooms.  There are still a few trees to be cut down to prevent something from jumping over the wall.

Atis Dodokineth was possessed by a strange mood and produced Nokzamunnos Tirdug (The Battle-Hoof of Brutes), a square copper breastplate, which menaces with spikes of copper.