Spring has sprung.  The courtyard wall is complete.  And the surface refuse area has been walled in and a line of traps installed in the corridor leading to it.  I still need to put a roof over the refuse area to make it necromancer-proof, but it is now a bit more secure then it was before.

Both artifacts have been stored deep underground, and the expedition leader now has an engraved bedroom with the basics.  Very much a temporary situation, but I have created a small army of stone smoothers (engravers) who are working from the bottom of the fortress upwards.  Most levels also have a pair of 3x2 rooms and a 2x2 room for future bedrooms / offices / throne rooms.

Fortress wealth continues to grow.  We are doing fine in the food department, but drink is a bit behind what is needed.

One of the issues that I am having with drink is that I only have plump helmets and sweet pods to brew from.  Cave wheat is a "grain" alcohol due to the bug-fix mod that I installed, and brewing of grains results in no seeds (you have to "thresh" the plant to get seeds).  I did expand the farms a bit, and the sole farmer has no other jobs assigned.

Soon I will need to start training up a new farmer to help / replace the existing one.  My original farmer (Athelnomal) had a strange mood and is now a legendary stonecrafter.

A look at the current job assignments (using DFHack's nifty UI).  I have started to specialize a bit.

Also, 'Doc' Ledudib and 'Books' Mengamem got married over the winter season, that is why their happiness score is so high.

Plans for the spring is to finish reworking the butcher / tannery / kitchen area, and figure out what I need to do to fix the alcohol situation before it gets worse.  I may possibly find some surface crops that can be farmed.

I also need to setup more dormatories, bedrooms, and finish the skylit shaft so that I can smooth and engrave the bottom floor and use that as the dining / meeting area.

Update: Elven caravan arrived on 14th Granite, 501.  They didn't bring much of use, so I bought out all of their cages, wooden weapons, barrels, buckets, splints and crutches (only 750 urists worth) and sent them on their way with a 2000 urist profit.  Hopefully they will come back next year with a lot more pack animals along with cloth.

Update #2: Kol Dodokmedtob has given birth to Nil Avuzshameb.  Kol is married to Logem Gusilzefon.  Kol's grandparents also migrated to the fortress.

Update #3: 'Cook' Eddudalath has given birth to Muthkat Evudoltar.  She is married to 'Brewer' Lorbamerith.