Oshurerith is a fort that is being settled in the spring of year 500 by the dwarves from Tool of Waxes.  It is located in the northeastern parts of Smaksmo Suttu, on the border between The Forest of Charity and The Lean Swamps.

This is a warm/hot area, so any surface water will not freeze, but stagnant pools on the "hot" side of the map may evaporate during the summer.  Tree cover is heavy, so there will be plenty of wood.

While promising, the presence of both shallow and deep metals is not what was hoped for. According to the DFHack "prospect all" command prior to embark, there is only Silver, Lead and Zinc ore present.

Any iron/steel industry is going to have to rely on "goblinite" or imported iron/steel items that can be melted into bars.  Other metals will also have to be obtained from caravans.  The actual post-embark report matches up pretty closely with the initial estimates:

Notice that the tree listing does give a bit of a spoiler away, the first cavern appears to top out around Z116, the second cavern is likely around 90-95, and the third cavern is down at 60-84.  Since the surface layer is Z134-Z136, with a sand layer at Z133 and clay at Z132, that gives me about 15-18 layers of solid rock before I hit the caverns (about half is schist and half will be granite).  If I hit diorite, then I'm close to the first cavern layer.

The starting seven dwarves are as follows.

I spent about 100-120 embark points on their skills and gave them nicknames.  Once I embark, I will need to go into this DFHack menu using (u)(l) and enable things like hauling, woodcrafting, carpentry, etc.  In general, only the farmer and miners are dedicated to their crafts during the first season, while the other four dwarves are generalists.

The initial embark put us right on the river, in the middle of a heavy forest.  I gave all of the starting seven dwarves 1 point in the Discipline skill, so hopefully they won't run away from the fish in the river.

The river bend will make a natural boundary against invasion from the west/south, but I'm going to have to worry more about north/east.  All of the trees will need to be cleared so that hostiles can't climb up the tree and onto any walls / parapets that are placed.

The initial entrance area will be a 7x7 roofed building (5x5 interior), with a 3x2 drawbridge acting as one of the walls. This will lead down a ramp until we get into hard rock, at which point there will be a second 3x4 drawbridge over a 3-wide pit that is 1Z deep.

One of the things I always do at the start is dig out an 11x11 "skylight" area. This will eventually be a sunlit shaft of constructed floors that goes most of the way down into the fort.  There will be things like butcher shops, tanneries, kitches, refuse piles, and other things placed in this shaft on various floors - which limits the amount of miasma present in the fort.  In addition, dwarves who spend time in this area will be less likely to develop cave adaptation syndrome.

Because there is so much plentiful wood, I will just put down a floor of wood tile for now.  Later, I will upgrade this area to use fire-proof stone.