It is the 400th year since history began in Teyo Oroni, The World of Omen. We, the dwarves of Spear of Boards number only 424 and our king, Mistem Pagescorched, has decreed that a new settlement be established in a safe location, somewhere hopefully safe from the creatures from before time began.

The list of fallen settlements is numerous.

Cudgelkiss - Founded in year 5, destroyed the same year by the colossus bronze Swifteagle the Banner of Influence.  Swifteagle was finally destroyed in 158 by the elves at Even Frost.

Angelguilds - Founded in year 1, destroyed in year 21 by the forgotten beast Rofa Sunkwaste the Abyss of Pulps.  Nobody, not even our best scouts, has returned from Angelguilds in almost 400 years.

Cudgelkiss - Reclaimed in year 18, destroyed again year in 28 by the colossus bronze Mugub Clobberhero the Willful Assaults.  Mugub was killed in 47 by the humans when it attempted to attack Metamber.

Thinconstruct - Founded in 26, destroyed in 36 by the forgotten beast Slevina Veiledwitch.  As with Angelguilds, nobody has returned from there in nearly 400 years.

Gemcombines - Founded in year 1, destroyed in year 68 by the dragon Ertal Flickeredsweltered the Golden Heat.  Ertal was struck down by the dwarf, X, in 172 at Wheelriddle (another dwarven civ's site). This site may be one for the more adventurous to explore and reclaim.

The list of surviving settlements is few.  All of the settlements are cursed by beast attacks.

Laborgilt - Founded in year 2.

Workchannel - Founded in year 54.  The current seat of the high king Mistem.

Goalpage - Founded in year 55.