1st Granite - Deconstruction of the existing wood log walls on the surface has started.  They will be swapped out for diorite block walls.  Once the first floor outer walls are finished, reconstruction of the second floor walls will start.

The reason this is important in DF2014 is because invaders and critters can climb walls.  Rough stone and dirt walls are very easy to climb, while walls constructed out of stone blocks are much more difficult.

In order to finish a four story tall surface fortress, I will need around 25x40 blocks per story (1000 blocks) give or take a bit because the ground level does not need constructed floors.  I will have two mason workshops working non-stop for the next calendar year or two in order to produce enough stone blocks.

16th Felsite - One of our dwarves was possessed and made a left-hand mitten.

9th Limestone - Fascinating, we got a diplomat from The Ropes of Work (our embark civ) this year along with the merchant caravan.  The name is goblin-ish, "Meng Oddombuzat", but the description is that of a dwarf.

A master-level carpenter and glassmaker produce a lot of glass discs and spiked wooden balls.  Bought out 86k of goods from the caravan and gave them 89k of profit on top.  The trader is beyond ecstatic.  Got rid of dozens and dozens of barrels of dwarven wine and blueberry wine as well.

27th Sandstone - World news... "The world is the same as ever."

We now have a trade agreement with a dwarven civ which has a goblin leader...

Made a copy of the save files, exported legends to XML.  It seems that we have a king as of year 400 - Bosa Hauntedhells.

The overall population for Ropes of Work, however, is still only 30:

Site history shows one unknown site, as well as Coppermine being founded in year 400.

Ah, but that's the site that got wiped out in year 66.  Dwarves from another civ reclaimed it in year 400.

So, unless the dwarven king moves to Coppermine - I can not figure out where he is living at the moment.  Migrating?  Created out of thin air?  Still counting as part of the goblin civilization?