The goal of Sarveshuvar is to rebuild the fortunes of Girders of Waning after over 500 years of being slaves of goblins and elves or refugees.

Embark location:

Embark biomes:

Embark warning:

Embark message:

Initial embark (Z102):  As can be seen we are on a bit of a high ground with the grasslands sloping away to the east/south.  

Initial DFHack "prospect all" gives us more details on what ore is actual present.  It matches up pretty well with the pre-embark estimate.  We have gold, iron (Hematite, Limonite), copper (Tetrahedrite), lead/silver (Galena), tin (Cassiterite), and zinc (Sphalerite).

The aquifer looks to be complex and spreads across many levels.  That means there will be a good bit of experimentation required in getting through it and into the rock layers.

Looking at the "wood in trees" section indicates that the top level of the cavern is around Z75, with the 3rd cavern level being down in the -4 to -18 level range.  Magma is below the third cavern in the -23 to -19 range.

No immediate fun, there are no other creatures on the map.  The forest is fairly thin, but there is still plenty of wood available.

1st Limestone - I caught a break on the aquifer and it is only in the west/north sides of the 3x3 embark, the center has no aquifer layer.  My initial 3x3 staircase was able to drop down 15z without hitting anything.  Since gabbro was the first layer stone, stockpiles and a mason workshop was immediately setup to churn out blocks for walls.

The carpenter workshop has been mostly working non-stop since mid-spring creating barrels, spiked wood balls, wheelbarrows, minecarts, corkscrews, pipe sections, barrels, cages, beds, and bins.

First migration wave in early-mid summer brought the fortress up to 12 dwarves.

The surface walls are somewhat ambitious, with a rather generous footprint that will eventually have to be roofed over.  There are (4) towers along the north wall, (3) along the south wall, and one in the east/west wall section.  These will be standard 5x5 marksdwarf towers with a view of the surroundings.  The outer walls will be 4Z tall, with the towers a total of 5Z tall.

Underground farms have been started, drinks have been brewed and biscuits cooked using the meats that were brought along.  The underground cistern is behind schedule, but has been designated for digging.

Ground level in each tower will be a 7-tile stockpile of drink and a door opening into the courtyard.

25th Opal - Twelve dwarves, working happily away.

The outer courtyard wall is coming along nicely, but an ocelot wandered in and caused a minor bit of havoc.