1st Granite - Flooding is under control.  Population is 47 dwarves (7 were-dwarves, 3 children, 2 babies).  Starting to setup the deep underground depot at Z+60, will deconstruct the surface level (Z+103) depot soon.

Plans proceed for flooding and killing the were-dwarves.  The aquifer is being dug into and a lever-controlled door has been setup in the corridor which will drill into the aquifer.  This opens into an area below which can be flooded through a floor grate.  The were-dwarves will then be instructed to deconstruct the walls separating them from the water.

12th Slate - Five of the seven were-dwarves have been drowned in their cells.  One of them was the old expedition leader, and even though I replaced them in the nobles menu, the dwarven liaison has refused to meet with me for a few years now.  That meant we could not request specific items from the caravan or form trade agreements.

Also, while letting the were-dwarves mingle, it was discovered that they do not all change form at exactly the same instant.  As a result, two of them fought.  Both were werepandas when changed.

22nd Slate - A single migrant arrives, Cerol Vushlitast.

24th Slate - The werepanda Utes Oguroke Num Smungras has come!  Fortunately, the bridge into the fort is still closed.  Cerol will have to fend for herself.

25th Slate - More migrants arrive.  Led Endokobomrek is the second migrant to enter the borders.  Then Thikut Idashoddom.  Both are immediately attacked while Cerol runs away.  Doren Eteskubuk enters and is immediately killed as well, followed by the children, Doren Asdugathel and Thob Sarveshmishthem.  Next is Mebzuth Logemkastar, dead.  Mebzuth Regled enters next, gets off a single shot from the crossbow, and is immediately slaughtered.  Litast Okilmeng is the next victim.  Unib Urdimshed and Obok Abirkeskal both fight and are killed.  The butcher, Dodok Kubuknamash does not have a chance either.

Cerol decides to wander back over to take a look while the werebeast is resting.  Immediately decides the better of it and runs away as the werepanda transforms back into a goblin.

So Utes manages to kill 10 of the 11 migrants before fleeing.

26th Slate - More migrants show up after the were-goblin has fled, Likot Avuzfarash, Kol Umerilral, Degel Gurzon, Iden Domastatol, Sibrek Kubukneb, Led Adilokang, Vucar Tholmedtob, Sibrek Uzoletur.  That brings the fortress population up to 51 (2 weres, 3 children, 2 babies).

Deaths so far - year 600, no deaths... 601, 21 deaths - 602, 7 deaths - year 603 no deaths - 604, six deaths - 605 no deaths, 606 no deaths, 607 ten so far for a total of 44 deaths.  Forty-nine if you count the five were-dwarves that I drowned.

1st Hematite - The last the slabs are being engraved and placed for the deceased.

17th Hematite - Our first mayor has been elected, the esteemed Kol Umerilral.  Fifty-four years old, she was born in the year 553.  A sharp rise in fortunes for a dwarf that only just arrived nearly yesterday.

15th Malachite - More migrants.  A batch of ten this time with an assortment of useful and not so useful skills.  Population is now 61 (2 weres, 2 children, 2 babies).  The oldest of the children, Dakost Zimdastot, has grown to become a peasant this year (born 595, age 12).

19th Malachite - Threw the lever to close the bridge again.  Mayor Kol has been a reasonable noble so far, only demanding the construction of Hatch Covers.  Since we are a vertical fort, I need those in spades.  Even better, I can force Kol to be the one making them.

25th Malachite - The rabbits, sheep and goats that are breeding in the grazing pets pasture are annoying me.  Time to have autobutcher to deal with the problem.

autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 COW
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 GOAT
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 HORSE
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 LLAMA
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 RABBIT
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 SHEEP
autobutcher target 0 0 0 0 YAK
autobutcher start

1st Limestone - Rovod Uzoltad gives birth to a boy.  Muthkat Ekirsazir gives birth to a boy.

13th Limestone - Trade caravan has arrived as well as the liaison from Thob Lelum.  Hopefully this year, the liaison will meet with a non-were dwarf (now that I killed the old expedition leader were-dwarf).

16th Limestone - One of the caravan merchants, Kogsak Egulsibrek, was attacked and killed by a capybara man on the surface.  This caused the caravan to turn around and leave.  I'll go get a slab ready...

On the bright side, the liaison finally agreed to meet with our mayor.

Kol is now the baron - and she likes having hatch covers made.

13th Sandstone - Squads have been created and all able-bodied dwarves have been drafted.  There are plans for four marksdwarf/militia squads and three melee squads.

19th Sandstone - Nine more migrants arrived.

1st Moonstone - Winter has arrived.  Seventy souls alive (four children, two babies, two were-dwarves).

3rd Opal - A forgotten beast has come to the first cavern layer.  Ozob Sodorstuzang.  No worries at the moment, just making a note for future reference.

Miners have almost dug down to the level of the magma sea.