1st Granite - Start of a new year.  Forty-nine deaths so far in the fort since the founding in year 600 (I drowned five of the seven were-dwarves last year).  There are sixty-eight citizens (four children, two babies) plus the two were-dwarves alive.

The slaughterhouse (butcher's workshop) is going non-stop to keep up with births of cats, dogs and the six varieties of egg-laying fowl.  Plus the migrants who bring along livestock.

The leatherworkers and clothiers are working to create enough leather/cloth items for all of the new migrants and military uniforms.

15th Slate - Led Astisuzol gives birth to a boy.

28th Slate - Migrants arrived, a monster of a migration wave with 22 dwarves showing up.  Ninety-two total dwarves now including the two were-dwarves, and there are now four children and three babies included in that count.

7th Felsite - The forgotten beast in the first cavern layer has been observed to breathe fire.

20th Felsite - I have spotted a ghost wandering around outside.  I'll need to go make sure a slab gets engraved for Kogsak Egulsibrek and others.

Looks like a few slabs were engraved, but never placed for the merchants of the autumn caravan.

20th Malachite - Migrants have arrived, it should be a modest sized wave since I am close to my population cap of 100.  Six arrivals, no real interesting in the lot.

Two magma smelters are up and running, but waiting on the haulers to haul the metallic ores and economic stone down to the basement.  It's around 140-steps from the forges to the surface (ugh).  Ran out of wheelbarrows for the additional QSP (quantum stockpiles) needed to feed the smelters.

My current plan is two smelters and two forges, with room for two more of each.  Because I'm using QSPs, the layout is very compact.  One of the QSPs is for low-quality metal items which are worth melting down (returning at least 90%).

3rd Galena - Rovod Uzoltad gives birth to a baby girl.

Gates have been thrown open in order to cut down all the trees in the north/northwest and haul the wood inside before winter.  I'm sure that it will end in tears, but I need charcoal for steel production at the magma smelters.

12th Galena - Muthkat Ekirsazir gives birth to a boy.

1st Timber - Raised to a duchy.

2nd Opal - The Giantess Mela Eti Itheyi (the Torch of Prestige) has come!  Fortunately, the bridge is up, so I believe the worst she can do is mill around outside.

14th Opal - 'Smith' Mafol Tiristesmul gives birth to a baby girl.

2nd Obsidian - Led Astisuzol gives birth to a baby boy.

11th Obsidian - Somehow, Olon Udarlitast ended up outside the walls of the fort.  As a result, the giantess killed her.  I have no idea how she got outside, she must have fallen off the ramparts.

The giantess is dead, she wandered across our weapon traps one too many times and passed out on top of a trap.