16th Slate - Migrants arrive.  Just ten dwarves.  They can go on hauling duty.

(My plan for 610 is fort clean-up... all the socks scattered everywhere, getting all the stone hauled.  This should be an uneventful year - unless Armok has other plans for us.)

19th Hematite - 'Doc' Muthkat Ekirsazir has given birth to a girl.

23rd Hematite - Migrants arrive.  Six of them.  More haulers.

21st Galena - The cooks have been busy, the egg stockpile has shrunk from 13k down to 8k.  Naturally, this means that the prepared foods count is now over 14k.  Hopefully we can sell off about 3/4 of that to the autumn caravan along with all the worn-out socks.

1st Limestone - Autumn has come, the caravan will arrive soon.  The gate is lowered in preparation (if the depot is inaccessible, the caravan immediately turns around and leaves the map).

10th Limestone - Caravan and liaison have arrived.

13th Limestone - Trade agreement.

2nd Sandstone - Started the trade.  The dwarves have hauled 506k worth of goods to the depot.  The trader is going to be very pleased.  The trader only brought 212k of goods that were worthwhile to purchase, leaving the trader with a 295k profit.

9th Sandstone - 'Smith' Mafol Tiristesmul gives birth to a baby boy.  I'm still waiting for the caravan to leave the gates so that I can seal things back up for the winter.

15th Sandstone - Gate sealed for winter.  Workshops are back to normal production levels.

7th Timber - Rovod Uzoltad gives birth to a girl.  This is her 5th surviving child.  And I finally figured out that she was given a crutch back on 25th Moonstone 609.

I actually have six dwarves who have some training in crutch-walker now.

But I'm 90% sure that only Rovod is using a crutch at the moment.

14th Opal - Throwing the gates open because Tobul Atoravuz decided to jump down and land outside the walls.  As did Iton Gimastesh.

Ended the year with not much happening.  That's okay.  Steel weaponry was produced for the three "pillars" squads and they now train on a 2 months training / 2 months off-duty schedule.  I'm going to start looking for much stronger dwarves soon.