1st Granite - Spring has arrived in Cugelfield.  The entrance is trapped fairly well and there are doors that can be locked at signs of trouble.

Bembul Edolin will be the fort's brewer and butcher.  She arrived as a high master brewer, so she is a good choice.  In her spare time she can handle the butchering unless we fall behind.

Starting to carve out (75) bedrooms on level 30-34.  There will be 15 per level with a 2x2 staircase in one of them.  They also connect to the main stairs.  Each is a 2x2 room which will have a smoothed and engraved floor, with doors in the corners.

Setting up an isolation ward hospital.  Each of the "fingers" is big enough to hold a table, traction bench and bed and is capped by a door.  In case of were-infection, the doors can be sealed and then walled in.

24th Slate - A single migrant has arrived.

14th Limestone - Atir Kilotrimad is injured in a deconstruction accident.

15th Limestone - The caravan is here.  The liaison says that Ferocious Hall is attempting to reclaim the ruin of Fastenboats.  We traded about 68k of stuff for 36k of stuff, the trader was content.

24th Sandstone - Migrants have arrived.

1st Moonstone - The forgotten beast, Ngokang Smunstuduba, has come (to the caverns).

24th Opal - 'Graver' Atir Kilotrimad has recovered, been given a crutch and is now the fortress engraver.