DF 0.43: Dakasasob 750 (Colored Boards) Embark
by Wuphon's Reach
I’ve embarked. It’s been about two years since I’ve played DF, so I’m really rusty.

I’m a bit daunted by everything that I need to do in order to build a functional fort.

The embark area is pretty quiet. North half is flat, with a stream or brook, while the south half is more hilly. The wagon is right up against the edge the southern hills. That should make it easy to get everything buttoned up quickly.
Immediate concerns would be to dig the entrance ramp and hallway, build some wheelbarrows and minecarts, a QSP (quantum stockpile) for wood and blocks, get a wall and ceiling built around the wagon. I’ll need a few different workshop types to do that (mason, mechanic, craftdwarf). I should also collect surface plants, chop down trees, pasture the animals, etc.
Since I’m starting rusty, I’ll change my data/init/d_init.txt file to have the following settings:
The goal there is that I won’t end up with a 100 dwarf fort before I’m ready for it. Or a bunch of babies, or children in quantities that outnumber the adults.

After a bit of digging and the first migrant wave, the entrance area is starting to come together. It’s very insecure at the moment, but the egg layers are locked away with nest boxes and the pigs are in the upper left. The draft animals that hauled the wagon have been butchered.
Main goals for now are:
- Setup the QSPs for stone, blocks, wood in the new crafting area.
- Setup Mason, Craft, Mechanics and Carpenter workshops in small 3x3 rooms near the QSPs.
- Pierce the caverns (around Z124)
- Hookup the bridges to levers
- Start specializing dwarves
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