DF 0.43: Zaludoram World
by Wuphon's Reach
Welcome to Zaludoram (The Future World), year 750. This is a medium sized custom generated world for Dwarf Fortress 43.05. Minor historical figures were culled and history is hidden by default, so there will be limited details available prior to getting into the game.

Current population in year 750:
2469 Dwarves
2770 Humans
555 Elves
64710 Goblins
2054 Kobolds
Total: 72558
There were nine dwarven civilizations at the start of recorded history. At least four of them have been wiped out.
- The Destined Labor
- The Eviscerated Bolt (defeated)
- The Eviscerated Chambers (defeated)
- The Gray Citadel
- The Mine of Gleams
- The Old Clasps (defeated)
- The Salves of Skinning (defeated)
- The Silvers of Muting
- The Simple Smith
The Destined Labor
Seems to be a healthy dwarven civilization, with a dwarven fortress named “Bodicebored” (south portion of the map). It was settled at the dawn of time and the dwarves attempted to settle a few other sites, all of which have fallen. The most recent interesting event was the creation of “The Mountainhome: A Quandary” by “Mestthos Sanctumwhip”.
"Bodicebored", fortress
Owner: The Bells of Gripping, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Destined Labor, dwarves
277 dwarves
The Eviscerated Bolt (defeated)

The Eviscerated Chambers (defeated)

The Gray Citadel
These dwarves created “Walledtoes” and “Treasuremined” and were close neighbors to the Silvers of Muting along the northwest map edge. Both fortresses survive to this day.
Adilnin, "Walledtoes", fortress
Owner: The Knowing Sling, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Gray Citadel, dwarves
193 dwarves
"Treasuremined", fortress
Owner: The Pulley of Flanking, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Gray Citadel, dwarves
248 dwarves
The Mine of Gleams
Founded the fortress, “Ringbend”, right in the center of the map, taken over in year 40 by the forgotten beast “Shethel Sewerzealot the Glumness of Fragments”. The hillock, Oilyodor, fell to a dragon named “Kima Glowwarm the Fiery Flame” in year 40. Looking through the list, I see a hillock named “Eaglecrafts”, which is apparently a very rough place to live with the night creatures and were-humans constantly fighting with the dwarves. The other hillock is Mirrorplans, and it also has similar problems.
"Eaglecrafts", hillocks
Owner: The Tongs of Wringing, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Mine of Gleams, dwarves
105 dwarves
"Mirrorplans", hillocks
Owner: The Blameless Smith, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Mine of Gleams, dwarves
96 dwarves
Ah, here we go, the fortress named “Helmsummers” still exists, but I suspect it is infested by a forgotten beast, Ana Creviceechoed the Dead Suckers, that settled in 144. Over a hundred years later, in 257, the elf Ola Wondrouschannels settled in Helmsummers and has been writing books for almost 500 years. Other humans have settled here. It’s very odd that the forgotten beast has not attacked the humans and elves.
Zonisram, "Helmssummers", fortress
46 humans
2 elves
1 forgotten beast
1 goblin
The Old Clasps (defeated)

The Salves of Skinning (defeated)

The Silvers of Muting
Another civilization with not much of note. Their current fortress is “Inchedgravel”, up in the northwest part of the map. Close neighbors to the Grey Citadel.
"Inchedgravel", fortress
Owner: The Dominant Trumpet, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Silvers of Muting, dwarves
256 dwarves
The Simple Smith
Founded Gorgedleaves (south edge).
Eribgovos, "Gorgeleaves", fortress
Owner: The Rumored Roof, dwarves
Parent Civ: The Simple Smith, dwarves
266 dwarves
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