DF 0.43: Zaludoram, Vampire Quarantine
by Wuphon's Reach
The vampire has been locked away in its quarters for the rest of its unnatural days. I used a screw pump set on “pump manually” with îton as the only dwarf with that labor enabled, which helped quarantine it.

It did manage to drain one additional dwarf before I finished digging, smoothing, engraving and stocking its lair. The rooms are hopefully ornate enough to serve any future promotions.
One room doubles as a temple to Sheñe, (deity: festivals, dance, revelry, music), the diety that it worships. In retrospect, that probably should have been a giveaway as well. A dwarf that worships one of the human dieties (Neutral Confederation).

îton is now the job manager and bookkeeper.
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