DF 0.43: Zaludoram, 755 Bronze Colossus
by Wuphon's Reach
The bronze colossus, Cuthroz Genceshuthra Dothan Cok, has come!

Now, I’ve been expecting a titan or megabeast or forgotten beast for a while. My fortress wealth and population is well past what would normally trigger an attack, so it was only a matter of time. My plan for this colossus is to capture it and use it as target practice. I’m not sure how well this is going to work out in practice.

The goal is to use those two bridge-enclosed areas with the bait-statues as traps. Let the monster in the front door and see if it goes and attacks the statues long enough for me to seal it in. The marksdwarves will be positioned to fire on the BC (bronze colossus) as it paths across the trap-filled bridge. This might cause it enough damage, or cause it to dodge to its death due to the 18Z fall. Or it might go around the long way to get to the statues and the marksdwarves will have nothing to shoot at.
The first pass through the trap area shows that the BC is not trap-avoid. Most of the weapons did no damage (not even iron or steel), but the beast dodged off the bridge and fell 18Z to take its first damage.

After a few falls, its left and right hand are now gone. Its feet are dented or mangled. As it climbs back out of the pit, the stairs expose it to withering fire from the marksdwarves, and dodging the weapon traps causes it to fall again. Most of the damage is being done from the falling.
I’m going to make the pit deeper after this. Apparently 18Z is not quite enough to get the damage that I want for something like this. Wonderful target practice for the marksdwarves as the BC climbs back up out of the pit endlessly.
Oooh, it stepped on a cage trap. Now I can put it somewhere.
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