DF 0.43: Sil Dakon World
by Wuphon's Reach
Welcome to Sil Dakon (The Planes of Omen), year 600. This is a medium sized custom generated world for Dwarf Fortress 43.05. History is hidden by default, so there will be limited details available prior to getting into the game. Minor historical figures were not culled this time, which makes it easier to see relationships.

Current population in year 600:
1521 Dwarves
2353 Humans
705 Elves
50393 Goblins
1560 Kobolds
Total: 56532
I’ve adjusted my world generation settings in an attempt to create more stand-alone continents / islands. There are also lots more titans and megabeasts, which means a lot more danger and a lot more sites that got wiped out. That’s an attempt to balance out the size of world history (now only 600 years), overall population and the complexity of the world while still using a medium sized world. Mineral scarcity got a bump from ~1100 down to ~800 which will make metals more frequent.
This map is from Legends Browser and shows where the existing sites are located, colored by civilization. There are minor spoilers here because Kobold caves are not usually displayed on the Dwarf Fortress map.
- Red: Goblins
- Orange: Dwarves
- Green: Elves
- Blue: Humans
- Purple: Necromancers
- Black: Kobolds

The map makes it easier to see that there are a lot of inland seas and the primary land mass (The Elevated Continents) covers most of the south half and part of the northeast corner. There’s a second continent in the northwest corner called The Continent of Faces. There’s a small narrow strait that separates the two continents and it may be possible to bridge the gap in fortress mode. It’s hard to tell from the big maps and is going to depend a lot on local conditions.
Other items of note:
- Volcano in the far northwest corner, in the cold region.
- Another volcano in the icy region down along the south-southeast edge.
- At least two islands with volcanos, one is a tiny island in the northern seas.
- Lots of tiny islands, suitable for last refuges of dwarves.
- Many dead civilizations and lots of wars.
Of the seven dwarven civilizations, there are only three still standing. The Girder of Wards and The Metal of Plunging are neighbors in the southeast corner and have a major road built between their two main sites. The Metal of Plunging, however has had all of their other sites plundered by titans/megabeasts and is down to just their main fortress with only 28 dwarves. The Girder of Wards has a dwarven population across their sites of about 900.
The third dwarven civilization is The Single Craft with an overall population of about 400 dwarves. They were at war with a goblin civ for the first 66 years of history, when peace was made. They are also located in the southeastern corner of the map. That puts all of the surviving dwarves in the same part of the map.
All of the dwarven civilizations who were in the southwest corner of the map have been wiped out. In most cases, by titans/megabeasts.
To keep things simple for me, I’m going to start with an offshoot of The Girder of Wards civilization. I’m less likely to have a problem becoming a barony or having a king right off the bat.
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