DF 0.43: Osathadar (The Absolute Planet) World
by Wuphon's Reach
Welcome to Osathadar (The Absolute Planet), year 900. This is a medium sized custom generated world for Dwarf Fortress 43.05. History is hidden by default, so there will be limited details available prior to getting into the game. Minor historical figures were not culled this time, which makes it easier to see relationships.

Current population in year 900:
841 Dwarves
4628 Humans
791 Elves
51842 Goblins
2255 Kobolds
Total: 60357
I’ve adjusted my world generation settings in an attempt to create more stand-alone continents / islands. There are also lots more titans and megabeasts, which means a lot more danger and a lot more sites that got wiped out. That’s an attempt to balance out the size of world history, overall population and the complexity of the world while still using a medium sized world. Mineral scarcity got a bump from ~1100 down to ~800 which will make metals more frequent.
This map is from Legends Browser and shows where the existing sites are located, colored by civilization. There are minor spoilers here because Kobold caves are not usually displayed on the Dwarf Fortress map.
- Red: Goblins
- Orange: Dwarves
- Green: Elves
- Blue: Humans
- Purple: Necromancers
- Black: Kobolds

A few notes on the geography, these settings result in lots of inland seas / lakes, but I usually get 1-3 major land masses. Ones of note in this word are:
- The Continent of Connections: Covers the eastern 2/3 of the map.
- The Pale Land: Covers the western edge.
- The Humble Continent: Sits between the two landmasses.
I’m not exactly sure why the game decided to split the main continent into three pieces like that, but it may make it easier later to figure out what is where when playing.
Dwarven Civilizations
The world started with eleven dwarven civilizations, but only five are left according to the Legends Browser, and even that is a bit of a lie.
The Umbral Constructs: Has been extinct since about year 441, but still has two sites filled with nothing but animals.
The Kindled Staff: Has a single site left (Inkslap) with 122 dwarves. They live in the far northeast corner of the map.
The Hazy Sabres: The only site left has been taken over by elves and humans. The last ruler was struck down in 159.
The Sacks of Winding: Has a single site left (Splashedtown) and has been attacked by a minotaur in the last few years. As of 900, there are only four dwarves left in the site. They haven’t had a ruler since 699.
The Worthy Tome: Only has the fortress, Tiredstockades, left. The last ruler was struck down in 659.
The Pointy-channels of Trust: The most prolific of the dwarves, with three sites left. Their sites are all located along the western map edge in The Pale Land. This has possibly kept them out of trouble for the most part.
The Pointy-channels of Trust
The first dwarven expedition will be from The Pointy-channels of Trust.
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