DF 0.43: Teyo Asada (427-429) Logemsamam
by Wuphon's Reach
Spring 427
The first migrants in over ten years have arrived after we sent word to the mountainhomes that we were accepting applicants.
- Dastot Logemkoman (M, age 95), left his lover, Ilral Kolangen behind
- Aban Muzishmeng (M, age 76), migrated with his wife, Tosid
- Onol Odasen (M, age 112), migrated without his wife, Led Shembomrek
- Urvad Eteserith (M, age 99), migrated with his wife, Atis
- Atis Zefonducim (F, 88), migrated with husband, Urvad
- Aban Lertethvabok (F, 47)
- Sigun Nethrimtar (M, 136), heir to the throne after his brother
- Tosid Athelnosim (F, 80), migrated with husband, Aban
Aban is going to be drafted, she has dabbling armor skills. Sigun will be drafted as well, for his own protection. Both will be assigned a war grizzly bear right away.
My dfHack autobutcher
counts for grizzly bears are - 8 male cubs, 8 female cubs, 10 adult females and 25 adult males. If there’s something I want an excess of running around, it’s domesticated grizzly bears.
Raising the population cap above 20 also means I start getting strange moods in the fort. Etur Uzoluvar is the first, given that she claimed a leather workshop, I’m not hopeful. Oh joy, a cougar leather face veil.
Summer 427
More migrants, two couples:
- Kol Nileszefon
- Momuz Dishmabtomus (wife of Kib)
- Bembul Dakostalis (husband of Logem)
- Dastot Dastfeb
- Tirist Zaludushat
- Kib Kilrudzaled (husband of Momuz)
- Logem Sebsuradil (wife of Bembul)
- Aban Mezumustuth
- Moldath Berbesmar
Erush Alakfikod has claimed a glass furnace for her mood.
Autumn 427
More migrants:
- Athel Othsincatten
- Dastot Emosus
- Momuz Sedurkogan
- Rigoth Oslaneral
- Obok Nomallest
- Tekkud Unalbomrek
- Thob Lolokashok
Interesting, these have no previous relationships.
Winter 427
Atis Zefonducim (wife of Urvad Eteserith) gave birth to a baby girl, Momuz Uristorstist.

There are now only four shooting galleries for archery practice. For maximum bolt recovery, lanes should be 20-25 tiles long (up to 30) and at least 2 tiles between them, but three or four would be better. There is a bolt stockpile on the next layer down that only takes from links and does not have any bins assigned. Any bolts that miss the targets will hit the back/side walls and fall down into the stockpile.
Since bolts, when melted, are a 250% return on materials, melting down the single bolts can be a way to extend the amount of metal bars that you have. You’ll come out way ahead when your marksdwarves are poor shooters, but once they skill up you will start to lose bars (even with recycling).
Spring 428
Migrants, one couple:
- Mebzuth Rithneth (husband of Amost)
- Nish Isulakrul
- Mistem Uristkekim
- Zefon Nazomdodok
- Amost Morullolok (wife of Mebzuth)
- Morul Ragobok
- Tosid Mishosdatan
- Tirist Sazirliruk
- Meng Erlinreg
Work continues on the outer walls, hooking up bridges to levers, getting guard animals in place and clearing out old stockpiles.
Summer 428
- Lorbam Domasardes
- Thikut Osirkonos
- Morul Vabokegul
Nothing special about these three in terms of relations.
Autumn 428
The liaison has asked us for a baron recommendation. As I thought about previously, the baroness will be Kib Amuddakost.
Aban Mezumustuth has been appointed to mayor of Logemsamam and will need lodgings. I already had the mayoral quarters created in the light well area (5x5 rooms), so that is easily taken care of. I also want to give them a tomb down in the depths, but those are not dug out yet.
Spring 429
Thikut Osirkonos is now the mayor, ousting Aban Mezumustuth. Kib Amuddakost has been confirmed as the baroness of Logemsamam.
The “Royal Guard” squad has been promoted to all steel and silk armor. Naturally, this makes them a bit slow. I’ve also redesigned the militia uniform to be lighter.
The mayor, Thikut, wants crowns. He’s going to be dissapointed. Kib, the baroness, wants windows. She will get her wish because I can just put “create 3 glass windows per month” in the job manager and someone will make them every month.
I’m sad, the war-trained grizzly bears are not standing up to the were-beasts that show up once or twice per year. They are good for delaying actions, but I lose 2-4 bears per visit.
Summer 429
Building out 1-tile wide walls on upper levels, with no floors on either side is tedious. Maybe Toady will add the ability for dwarves to use step ladders to reach up to two tiles above the ground when constructing.
The only upside is that I’m building 3 section of wall at the same time, so I can specify 3 blocks at a time, then wait for all three to be completed.
The human diplomat is Gogol Radiobler. Since this is the first year that we have a baroness, we get a wall of text.
Autumn 429
We have been elevated to a duchy.
The dwarven caravan has arrived, time to dump all of the excess eggs and other junk that has accumulated over the past year. Plus lots of glass toys and trap components so that I can buy out all their steel, iron, bronze and gold/silver (in that order).
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