DF 0.43: Teyo Asada (435-449) Dumaterith Embark
by Wuphon's Reach
Embark (Autumn 435)
Going to embark at a new location, east of Uzol Og, still in the Plain of Blood. This will be a 3x3 embark along two streams called, “The Permanency-Rot of Masters”.

I’m embarking in an area with “extreme” cliffs (20+), but the very southeast corner is flat. This could go horribly wrong right off the bat. There is an aquifier in both biomes, with sand, shallow clay and very deep soil. Plus shallow/deep metals and a flux layer.
Site: Dumaterith (Roughthroats)
Group: Kekimtulon (The Splattered Road)
- Ingish Adilzokun (53M leader)
- Zefon Ducimlinem (83M)
- Sazir Stakudunal (65F, poor focus)
- Ineth Kadoldodok (81M)
- Zulgar Oslanner (71F, bad analytical)
- Sakzul Oddomcerol (88M, possible baron)
- Lor Gongiththiku (67M, possible baron)
Preparations are very similar to my previous embark, except with more skill points given to the initial seven dwarves. The goal is to have two dwarves in basic metal armor / leather armor and sparring by the end of the first year.

Holy mother of Armok. We’ve embarked on the side of a relatively steep slope, with a plateau above us and a flat plain below us. The remains of the wagon are at Z137, the top of the plateau is at Z146 and the river is way down at Z126.
As you can see from the mini-map, there is a river that splits the embark apart into sections.

First Migrants
- Aban Muzishmeng (husband of Tosid Athelnosim)
- Momuz Sedurkogan
- Tosid Athelnosim (wife of Aban Muzishmeng)
- Bembul Dakostalis (husband of Logem Sebsuradil)
- Unib Zonnosim (widower father of Dobar Dakostging)
- Logem Sebsuradil (wife of Bembul Dakostalis)
- Goden Gamilrakust (daughter of Bembul/Logem)
- Zulgar Gatizkeskal (daughter of Bembul/Logem)
- Dobar Dakostging (son of Unib Zonnosim)
A lot of those were from the last migration wave in Logemsamam.
And Tosid was apparently pregnant and has given birth to a boy, Eshtan Ushuldumat.
Winter 436

After a lot of digging and putting up walls and retracting bridges, it is starting to feel like a fortress on a mountain.
The first dwarf squad of miltia is called “The Mountainous Funerals”. How apt. They get to train with war hammers for the first few years, then they’ll be part of the royal guard.
Summer 436
Unib Zonnosim has risen as a ghost and is haunting the fortress. Apparently, he fell off the cliffs and into the river below and I missed the event. Since the body is unrecoverable, I can only engrave a slab to memorialize him.
I may have to put up some sort of fence along the edge of the canyon walls.
Summer 440
My two military dwarves have been training non-stop now for a few years and Ineth Kadoldodok, Hammer Lord, has named his bronze war hammer to “Utostkacoth”.
Ineth is all about naming things. Now he’s named his shield, “Merir Noram”.
Summer 446
Logem Sebsuradil (wife of Bembul Dakostalis) has given birth to a girl, Shorast Dorenrith.
The two older girls (Goden and Zulgar) in the fortress grew up to be peasants in the last year or two and have been assigned jobs in the fortress.
Eshtan Ushuldumat is 11 years old. When he turns 12, he’s getting drafted into the Royal Guard squad to train with Zefon and Ineth.
I’m finding that the dwarven and humana caravan wagons are rarely able to make it to the top of the mountain and find the trade depot. I think it’s because of the plethora of trees growing on the slopes and lower plains. I’m going to have to lay down a basalt paved road / ramp series down both slopes to make it easier for them to get up here.
Winter 449
Logem Sebsuradil (wife of Bembul Dakostalis) has given birth to a boy, Zuntir Buketkol.
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