DF 0.43: Teyo Asada (454-455) Dumaterith
by Wuphon's Reach
Spring 454
With fifty-nine dwarves (and only three children), we’re catching up with hauling tasks and starting to create glass works and lavish meals in bulk.
The elves still fail to bring me another grizzly bear. I’m going to trade them excess food next spring in hopes that they will bring a larger caravan in following years.
The 35 level mass pitting chamber is ready. There are a few batches of monkeys to be pitted.
- Muthkat Atisoltar
- Inod Litastning
- Kib Thabumdegel
- Mosus Robekezum
- Melbil Isancatten
- Erith Itonsholid
- Sakzul Logemmusar
- Eral Kordamkonos
- Tun Tileshurdim
- Stinthad Oshuratir
- Ezum Ducimikal
Summer 454
The mayor has changed hands to be Erith Itonsholid.
Autumn 454
We get to appoint a baron. I’m going to appoint Lor Gongiththikut, who has no objectionable item preferences.
Spring 455
The fortress is now a barony with Lor Gongiththikut as baron, and Erith Itonsholid has been re-elected to the position of mayor.
Summer 455
I’m starting to think ahead to 150 dwarves and how many fully armored squads I want. I’m thinking three battle axe squads and three war hammer squads. That would be a total of sixty dwarves in full kit, plus another two squads of trainees.
The other 70 dwarves would be in militia crossbow uniforms.
My top military dwarves are:
- Ineth Kadoldodok
- Zefon Ducimlinem
- Sigun Nethrimtar (brother of king, also very old)
- Eshtan Ushuldumat
- Dodok Tinothbim
- Dastot Tishisfath (female)
- Atis Zefonducim (female)
- Erith Itonsholid (mayor)
- Ingish Adilzokun
Planned military squads:
- Axes of Funerals
- Hammers of Funerals
- Axes of Mountains
- Hammers of Mountains
- Axes of Gorges
- Hammers of Gorges
- 1st Reserve Axes
- 1st Reserve Hammers
- 2nd Reserve Axes
- 2nd Reserve Hammers
- 1st/2nd/3rd/…/9th Militia
Winter 455
Moldath Berbesmar (wife of Melbil Asesdor) has given birth to a daughter, Aban Amalgoden.
There are now sixteen squads setup, with forty soldiers in training (28 active).

The east-west road along the south of the embark is almost finished. It was a long way down a slope to build out the basalt road.
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