Keeping track of contracts (Fine Print mod) in Kerbal Space Program tends to get complicated.  For some of the orbital contracts, you have to bring along specialized equipment in addition to matching the specified orbit.  I forget to do this about half the time.  I need to make up a spreadsheet to track outstanding contracts and what launches are dedicated to fulfilling those contracts.

For example:

- Science from high orbit (Mystery Goo)
- Science from low orbit (Temperature, Magnetometer, Orbital Telescope)
- Orbital contract at 180 degrees of inclination and 290-300km

- Orbital contract at 153 inclination and 980-1431km
- Orbital station housing at least 7 kerbals
- Surface base housing at least 5 kerbals.

- Orbital contract, 0 degrees inclination, 9060-11219 km, w/ Double-C Seismic Accelerometer
- Orbital contract, 10 degrees inclination, 13337-14397 km, no special equipment