Diplomacy 4.3+ Options
Link to the main forum thread
Options (2019 version)
- Horse Speed Fix:
- Horse Culling:
- Battle Continuation:
- Charge When Dead:
- Terrain Advantages:
- Lords Returning From Exile:
- AI Changes:
- Economics & Behavioral:
- Prejudice Level:
- Disable Companions Complaints:
- Disguise System:
- Cheat Mode:
Recommended Options (2019 version)
- Horse Speed Fix: ON
- Horse Culling: 1
- Battle Continuation: ON
- Charge When Dead: ON
- Terrain Advantages: ON
- Lords Returning From Exile: ON (you may want to turn this off towards end-game)
- AI Changes: HIGH
- Economics & Behavioral: HIGH
- Prejudice Level: DEFAULT
- Disable Companions Complaints: ON
- Disguise System: ON
- Cheat Mode: OFF