Rimworld: The lost colony of Purdom IV
by Wuphon's Reach
Restarting with a new colony now that Rimworld 1.0 is released and things should be stable for a long time. I’m playing a heavily modded game, with semi-vanilla balance, but taking the rough edges off some things and adding some other things. This will be the fourth attempt at the Lost Colony of Purdom (from the old Goon Show).
- Seed: “
red river belt
” - Coverage: 100% (with average rain/temp)
- Storyteller: Phoebe, base builder (ramped up later)
- Scenario: Tribal start (modified to provide starting pemmican).
Faction names tend to differ across world generation (possibly based on some of the mods I have installed), but the world itself is identical in placement of rivers, mountains, biomes.
Key mod settings:
- Change Research Speed: 5.0x slower factor, with no tech advance allowed.
- Rainbeau’s Fertile Fields: 20% chance for plowed to degrade to rich, 20% for rich to degrade to normal. Automatic plowing/ferilization and hard mode is turned on.
- Rainbeau’s Rational Romance: 60% straight, 15% bisexual, 15% gay, 10% asexual.
- Supply and Demand: 300%
- Speed Tweaks: 1.2 movement speed, 1x door open speed, 1.5x projectile speed, 1x shooting speed, 0.75 carry penalty.
The big effect is the research speed and starting with few technologies, plus a tribal start making it all cost even more. The passive cooler was 2000 and pemmican was 2500 to research. A level 10 researcher is looking at 1/2 to 3/4 of a year to research something like passive cooler. Unless I run multiple shifts per day or multiple researchers or turn off all other jobs on the researcher.
The carry penalty from Speed Tweaks means that something hauling a huge megasloth will move slower then someone carrying a rabbit.
Colony location:
Seler Forest (18.98S, 125.14W). Temperature range of 5C-26C, avg 15.5C. 40/60 growing days.
Starting tribe:
- Tauri (M18): Straight, optimist, cannibal. Animals, shooting, construction.
- Harka (M23): Straight, wimp, fast-learner, super-immune. Animals, crafting.
- Sasa (F32): Asexual, trigger-happy, night-owl. Crafting.
- Tocho (M35): Bisexual, fast-learner, undergrounder. Medical, cooking, animals, crafting.
- Alo (M46): Straight, neurotic, fast-learner. Mining, cooking.

Wow, what a start. There are about 200 dead bodies on the map, plus large sprawling ruins. Corpses are going to be a big problem early on. But there are also a lot of basic beds, dressers and some other furniture items that I don’t yet have the technology for.
Sep 11th: Heat wave starts. So far we have a small barracks and a kitchen / cooking area started. Starting to bury the 200+ bodies, but it’s going to take most of a year (tempted to just let them rot).
Dec 5th: Had to hunt the nightling that was hanging around. Tuari lost a right little toe. Harka got hit with a spine and has some toxins in his system. They should clear out in a few days.
Dec 11th: Nayati (M65) joins. Night owl, too smart, straight, psychically dull. String animals, some social and artistic. Will not haul.

Apr 9th: Arrested Ramon (M24), a wild-man that has been wandering around the colony. Bisexual too-smart psychopath. No real skills besides melee, but will make a good hauler/cleaner.
Jul 1st: A masonry trader stopped by. We purchased 1000+ granite and sandstone blocks.
Jul 3rd: An overgrown drop pod has landed in the SE quadrant. There’s something moving inside, but we’re staying clear of it.
Jul 4th: A small cactipine appeared and is attacking the traders. I need to attack the landing pod. We managed to deal with it with only minor scratches / wounds.
Jul 7th: An archaeological expedition stopped by. Best news is that they were willing to sell us two telescopes. An important recreational tool that can’t be created on our own.
Dec 6th: Buried about ninety bodies, the rest have decomposed or been eaten by the wildlife. We have a pretty secure food supply at the moment with seven colonists. The soybean crops produce tofu/milk (both are meat substitutes) and the cooks are keeping up with creating stacks of 10 of each meal type (including some modded foods like sushi and stir fry). The pemmican stockpile is about 2000 units and we have 2000-4000 veggies in stock. There’s also a stack of about 800 smoked meat, which lasts for 30 days.

Apr 14th: Going to start Nayati on research instead of artworks. First up is Complex Furniture (2250).
Jul 1st: A feralisk clutch mother is nearby, with a brood of eggs. If we don’t attack, they’ll hatch and possibly overwhelm us. Somewhat easy to defeat as the seven colonists had recurve bows.

Jul 2nd: Polinka (F17) wandered in and joined. Straight, night owl, creepy breathing, great memory. Strong crafting and medical interest. Hmmm, everyone in the colony hates her, with -25 due to the creepy breathing. I’m going to just banish her (she’s already a defection risk).
Jul 15th: Wolf (M47) crashes nearby. Straight, kind, too smart. Some passion for animals, medical, social.
Sep 5th: Wolf is up and walking around, but is on hunger strike. The next time that he collapses, I’m going to imprison him and then recruit.

Jul 1st: Another feralisk clutch mother arrives. Hopefully we can dispatch her as easliy as the last one.

Apr 1st: Offered refuge to Mayumi (F45). Bisexual, body purist, gourmand, night owl. Strong passion for animals.
Apr 4th: Strange drop pod lands nearby. The older colonists think we need to deal with it sooner rather than later. The first thing that emerged was a manhunter cactipine. We decided not to let something else out.
Apr 7th: Captured Noriko (F46) from a pod crash. Bisexual ascetic misandrist. Strong passion for cooking. Fortunately, she was only lightly injured in the crash, because she landed a long ways from the colony. (I don’t yet have hospitals and prison cells setup in all four quadrants of the map.)
Apr 8th: Black hive attack along the south border.
Apr 13th: Tsela (M40) wanders in and joins. Straight, teetotaler, transhumanist. Moderate passion for plants and mining.
Jul 4th: Feralisk clutch mother.
Jul 5th: Captured Snow (F64) from a raid. Gay, kind, sanguine, gourmand. Strong passion for social and crafting.
Sep 4th: Black hive attack.
As 5504 closes out, I realize that we have zero couples out of twelve colonists. My current theory is that it’s because none of the colonists are assigned a double bed/bedroll in their bedrooms.
Dec 10th: Bought six colonists off of the pirate trader.
- Frankie (F23): Incapable of skilled labor. Straight, sanguine, volatile. Some passion for animals, social, intellectual.
- Carissa (F54): Asexual, nimble, great memory. Strong passion for construction. Some passion for mining, animals, artistic, intellectual.
- Vance (F48): Gay, fast walker, hard worker. Strong passion for construction. Some passion for shooting, crafting, medical.
- Shigeru (M31): Asexual, kind, slowpoke. Pacifist. Some passion for medical, animals and social.
- Forest (M30): Gay, too smart, undergrounder. Strong intellectual passion, but only a skill level of 2. Some passion for shooting and plants.
- Talulah (F40): Bisexual, ascetic, nimble, undergrounder. Pacifist. Strong passion for cooking and crafting. Some passion for plans, medical, social, intellectual.
Forest, Frankie, Carissa and Mayumi will now be the research team. That’s three on day shift and one on night shift.

Apr 3rd: Finished Complex Furniture research (only took three years). Next up is Canning Table (3750) from the VGP mod. That will give us canned meals (longer storage time over pemmican) and canned meat/veggies/fruit.
Jul 5th: Finished Canning Table research, next is Agriculture I (VGP mod) for red lentils and snow beets.
Jul 11th: Captured Choviohoya (M40) during a raid by The Tribe of the Jade Pelican (TTotJP). Straight, nervous, hard worker. Some passion for plants and construction.
Jul 13th: Finished Agriculture I research, next is Stonecutting (2250).
Sep 4th: Allied with The Friendly Grassland Treaty (TFGT) through trade.
Sep 6th: Finished Stonecutting research, next is Comfortable Beds (750) from a mod.
Sep 7th: Vance (M48) loses a fight with a black bear and gets his left fourth toe and right eye bitten off. Wolf (M50) was also seriously injured, but lost no body parts.
Sep 14th: The bulk goods caravan from Nation of West Ouquaen (NoWO) tangled with a feralisk. I’m not sure
Sep 15th: Finished Comfortable Beds research, next is Cocoa (5000).
Dec 6th: Snow (F) has turned sixty-six and gained the frail trait.

Apr 2nd: Allied with The Tribe of the Cruel Shrub (TTotCS) through trade.
Apr 7th: Finished Cocoa research, next is Farming (5625) from the Fertile Fields mod.
Jul 4th: Allied with Southwestern Hadium (SH) through trade. Mostly because they sent a trader upon which I could offload 40k of portable wealth (fabrics/leathers).
Jul 9th: Finally, we have our first lovers. Harka (M29) and Talulah (F41). The downside is that Talulah was one of the two ascetics and now has too fancy of a bedroom.
Jul 10th: Finished Farming research, next is Devilstrand (4000).
Sep 2nd: Finished Devilstrand research, next is Smithing (5250).
Sep 7th: Talulah (F41) and Harka (M29) get engaged.
Sep 11th: Nayati (M71) and Mayumi (F48) are now lovers. Both are night-owls.
Dec 4th: Talulah (F41) and Harka (M29) marriage. Nayati (M71) and Mayumi (F48) get engaged.
Dec 5th: Finished Smithing research, next is Agriculture II (5000) from the VGP mod to get fruit garden plants.
Dec 15th: A huge bouldermitt, called a summit crab, has invaded the area. Fortunately, while really tough and killing / breaking everything near it, it’s not too aggressive so we were able to take it down with ranged attacks.
Apr 5th: Nayati (M71) and Mayumi (F48) marriage.
Apr 12th: Finished Agriculture II research, next is Drug Production (5000).
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