I'm just getting started as a priest, and I'm overwhelmed by the number of acronyms used when discussing talent trees. So it's simply not sinking in. Also, because I'm trying to plan out my spec trees for lower levels (when you only have 10 / 20 / 30 points to spend), looking at the level 70 spec builds isn't helping me much.

My goal is to be either a disc or holy spec as I level up. The shadow tree really doesn't interest me, even though it would speed up solo play. I'm happy (at level 18) with my soloability, even if it takes me twice as long to kill stuff as a better solo class. (And it's really not *that* bad, I have a good wand, semi-decent gear, and I can crank through mobs that are my level or one higher.)

So my starting build for the first 11 points is:
(Talent Tree)
- DISC: Wand Spec (5) 25% more wand damage
- DISC: Improved Power Word: Fortitude (1)
- HOLY: Improve Renew (3) 15% better mana efficiency on a bread-n-butter spell
- HOLY: Healing Focus (2)

What I'm not sure of is where to spend my next 10 points (and then the 10 points after that to get me to 40). I suspect, that my 10 points for levels 21-30 will be:

(1) in DISC: PW:F
(3) in DISC: PW:Shield (for 15% more shielding)
(5) in SHAD: Spirit Tap
(1) in DISC: Martyrdom

Then for 31-40:

(1) in DISC: Martyrdom
(3) in DISC: Meditation
(5) in DISC: Mental Agility (-10% mana for insta-cast spells)
(1) in DISC: Divine Spirit

That would put me within reach of getting Reflective Shield by level 50.


After getting input from some other Priests on the forums, it looks like I'll need to re-spec for level 20:

SHAD: (5) points in Spirit Tap (apparently this helps with mana regen)

HOLY: (3) points in Improved Renew (a lot of priests don't take this, but Renew is one of my bread-and-butter spells)

DISC: (3) points in the Wand Specialization (+15% to wand damage, useful for soloing)

Then for 21-30:

DISC: (2) more points in Wand Spec
DISC: (2) in Improved Power Word: Fortitude
HOLY: (2) in Healing Focus
DISC: (2) in PW:Shield (for 10% more shielding)
DISC: (2) in Martyrdom

For 31-40:

DISC: (1) more in PW:Shield (for 15% more shielding)
DISC: (3) in Meditation (allows mana regen during spell casting)
DISC: (5) in Mental Agility (10% less mana for insta-cast spells)
DISC: (1) in Divine Spirit

For 41-50:

DISC: (2) in Improved Divine Spirit
HOLY: (5) in Holy Specialization
HOLY: (3) in Divine Fury (lower cast times)

For 51-60:

HOLY: (2) more in Divine Fury
HOLY: (3) in Improved Healing
HOLY: (2) in Searing Light (no good choices here)
HOLY: (3) in Spiritual Guidance

For 61-70:

HOLY: (2) more in Spiritual Guidance
HOLY: (1) in Spiritual Redemption

After that point, there are no obvious paths. I may not do Searing Light, but instead end up with this talent tree.