WoW: First day back after a year off
by Wuphon's Reach
So, after patching everything (including the dozens of add-ons), I managed to:
- role-play a bit
- work on my "the Insane" title faction grind
- ran a dungeon with guildies
- did the random battleground of the day
- fought in Wintergrasp
- made a list of what I want to buy with Emblems of Triumph (EoT)
I'm plumb tuckered out.
For the record, after looking at what I can buy with EoT (Emblems of Triumph) for my warlock, and looking at what she already has (mostly IL/219 stuff from Ulduar-10), I'm going to go for:
50 EoT - T9 Kel’Thuzad’s (Gul’dan’s) Leggings of Conquest
30 EoT - T9 Kel’Thuzad’s (Gul’dan’s) Gloves of Conquest
35 EoT - Band of the Invoker
25 EoT - Brimstone Igniter
It sounds like I'll need a lot of EoTs, but every dungeon boss in heroic-mode level 80 dungeons drop them, so you can get 3-4 per dungeon run. Plus you get either 2 EoF (Emblem of Frost) or 2 EoT for running dungeons using the "Looking for Dungeon" (a.k.a. Looking for Random Pick-Up Group) tool. Most heroic-mode dungeons only take 15-30 minutes to run now, so it's not hard to pickup a dozen EoTs in a day. And I already have 38 EoTs from back when the only way to get them was by running the weekly Ulduar-10 raid (where you might get 8 per week).
I plan on skipping most of the T9 pieces, especially the head/shoulders because I think they look horrid compared to the very lovely T8 warlock set head/shoulders. However, the T10 warlock head/shoulders for Alliance-side characters looks very nice and I'll gladly trade up to T10 from T8 in those slots. Here's what the T8 looks like:

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