Things I have not missed:
  • Blizzard still has not managed to crack down on gold-seller ad spam in public channels. Nor have they fix the speed hacks and the ability of a hacked group of clients to spell out words and patterns with characters in-game.
  • The ADHD kids.
  • The RP griefers who plop themselves in the middle of a bit of ad-hoc roleplay of old friends meeting again.

Personally, I think Blizzard needs to re-design their starting areas. Make them instanced, or at least not connected to the real game world. Put a gate on them, preventing anyone from entering or leaving prior to level 3-5. Don't let anyone inside that area talk in public channels or whisper people until they either hit level 5 or complete the quest to get out of that area. That would significantly raise the bar and cut down on spam in the public channels.

Is it a cure? No. But any sort of impediment that you can throw in the path of gold sellers who desire to make level 1 alts, run to a major city, and them spam their services is worth doing. At a minimum, it requires them to work much harder on their hacked client in order to escape the newbie zone so that they can annoy others. The more time you can force them to waste before their account can be used for spamming means that it hurts much worse when the account gets banned.

I'm especially disgusted by the ability of the client to tell the server where a character is located, the orientation of that character, etc. That should all be handled server-side, or at least the server should be cross-checking. It's been going on for over a year now (I saw it last summer in Ogrimmar).